Why I’ve Embraced Trauma Informed Care as a Life Coach

Written by Tom Marino

May 12, 2021

trauma informed care

What is trauma informed care? And what does it mean to me as a Life Coach?

This is an approach in the human service field that teaches us that trauma is more common than we think, and so we can assume that most people have experienced some form of trauma in their lives.

With that understanding, trauma informed care takes a more sensitive approach to avoid triggering one’s history.

As a Coach, I recognize that a background with trauma is the norm and not the exception. Our fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs are often a result of trauma in our pasts. I work with clients who fear re-traumatization, so it’s important to me to be sensitive and compassionate to avoid triggering those feelings.


Why is trauma informed care important? 

Trauma informed care provides training for industry professionals to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma. Coming from a background in healthcare, I believe this is key to providing the appropriate support.

It’s about promoting a culture of safety and healing. Trauma informed care acknowledges that trauma is prevalent and plays a significant role in a person’s life. When we have a traumatic experience, our emotional response changes our outlook or worldview in an irrevocable way.

My goal is to create a safe space for my clients. I approach every client relationship with the assumption that my client has experienced trauma at some point in his or her life… and it has likely changed the way they see the world.


The CDC’s 6 core principles to a trauma informed approach 
  1. Safety
  2. Trustworthiness & transparency
  3. Peer support
  4. Collaboration & mutuality
  5. Empowerment & choice
  6. Cultural, historical & gender issues

As in most things in life, trauma informed care is an ongoing effort. These principles remind caregivers like healthcare providers, counselors, and coaches like myself to build trust, respect boundaries, and promote healing. This includes recognizing and addressing the biases and stereotypes that instigate historical trauma. Learn more about these principles from the CDC.

There are different types of trauma, and we don’t all respond in the same way. There is no way to know how someone’s trauma has impacted them.


Healing in the wake of trauma

I believe that you can heal from your trauma. This does not mean that you forget the experience or ignore the pain, but simply that you move forward by making new choices that are not fear-driven.

Your past does not have to define you. I want to help you make choices outside of your trauma.

My approach to coaching focuses on how your choices can change your life. My “CHOICE” acronym outlines the steps for self-discovery and confident decision-making. Want to learn more? Reach out today to schedule your free introductory call. 


Photo by M. on Unsplash